Reading blogs at work is not always a good thing. I currently don't have a computer at home (long story about hubby upgrading it, while tired, getting over zealous, and a resulting puff of smoke from the motherboard) so I don't have a choice other than to not read them and that isn't really a choice for me.
So back on track here... I was going through my blog-lines and saw my sister posted and I opened it up to find
this. J is such a smart kid. I feel guilty for not knitting K. a blanket, maybe it isn't too late.
I haven't been doing a whole lot of knitting in the past week. I finished my lace socks and I've started a new pair. I've learned that plain socks are too boring too keep my attention long enough to have a pair. I think all future socks will be more interesting to knit which means I'll probably stay away from self patterning socks and go more toward variegated and hand paints that look good with patterns.
I found out the amount of my end of year bonus. I won't have it until next week but that doesn't mean I can't spend it now, right? I don't like things like that getting lost in the general funds pot so I usually pick a slight luxury to spend it on. So the plan was that I'd use it for my Lasik. And I'm still doing that. But this was a record smashing year for my department and I have money leftover. So, I'm getting a new wheel. Those non spinners out there might not understand this. There is nothing wrong with my "old" (4 months) wheel. I love it and it spins beautifully. It
can fit in my car to take to retreats and friend's houses but it takes a bit of yoga to get it in and out without damaging it or the car. So I'm getting an
ultra portable wheel. The options are either the Ashford Joy or the Majacraft Gem II. I've tried and really liked the Joy but I think I'm leaning toward the Gem, as long as I like how it spins. This weekend a small group of friends and I are going on a spinning frolic into southern Virginia to try wheels, pet sheep, buy fiber and have fun. I'll try to remember to take some pictures.
On the kitchen front the floor is over half finished and we're going to finish it on Friday. The counters will be here next week and then we will have our kitchen (and living room, and dining room) back. It is really starting to take shape and look like a kitchen instead of a minefield.